Enterprise Security Services

Enterprise Security Services

IT Outsourcing Services

With our Enterprise Security Services, we provide end-to-end information security solutions to protect the today’s connected business market. The trend towards open global markets and the increase in IT security incidents have led to tougher security regulations and greater IT security needs. Skyf.IT’s proactive approach to information security optimizes your investment, enabling you to achieve better business results.

Our Enterprise Security Portfolio includes

  • Corporate Governance & Policies Consultation
  • Security Consulting Services
  • Data Security Services
  • Vulnerability and Penetration Testing Services
  • Managed Security Services

Corporate Governance & Policies Consultation Policies provide the foundation for any security program; they define what an organization values and expects from their employees in this key area. Skyf.IT’s Security Policy & Program professionals work with firms of all sizes and industries around the world. This enables our professionals to refine your policies and ensure there is alignment with business priorities and goals. Regardless of your current security policy and program maturity, Skyf.IT can offer advice and support to achieve the desired level.

Security Consulting Services give you subject matter experts with the knowledge and tools you need to be competitive, efficient, and proactive. We create a security strategy that takes into account your business objectives. We can work on the whole security spectrum or work with you to identify specific security area to target on. Our consultants with a variety of specialties, certifications, and first-hand experience with industry-specific solutions.

Data Security Services bring to our clients the most robust network security technology and expertise in the industry. We apply the right solution to your particular security challenge--whether you need endpoint security, wireless security, remote access, or an end-to-end solution using the best-of-breed security vendors and technology. Skyf.IT provides a wide variety of security and privacy assessment, architecture, transformation and management services to help organizations identify and address security and privacy exposures (e.g., loss of customer data, loss of revenue, or reputation impairment to a customer) before they become problems.

Vulnerability and Penetration Testing Services provide you an earlier assessment of IT environment. Security threats are constantly changing – in their intent, their intensity, and their direction. Skyf.IT Vulnerability and Penetration Testing professionals use the latest tools and techniques to simulate the various approaches a hacker or disgruntled employee might use to enter your enterprise in an unauthorized way. Working as your partner and with your consent, we can provide a series of internal and external penetration tests of your IT infrastructure and/or your physical premises in order to test the strength of your defenses. If we are successful in gaining unauthorized entry, we will provide you with approaches to fix the issues we find. Our objective is to help you proactively protect your people and information assets by leveraging our knowledge of constantly changing exploits. We offer the following services in this area: Infrastructure Assessment, Application Assessment, Network Assessment and Database Assessment.

Managed Security Services make it easier for you to meet security objectives while keeping operating costs predictable. You can spend less time worrying about monitoring and responding to threats and more time evolving your business. Our services span all elements of the security landscape, including data loss prevention, threat intelligence and scanning, managed security incident response (including SIEM), secure content, infrastructure security, and more. Our 24x7 Security Management Centers and online management tools keep you up and running and in control at all times.